It is a matter of great honour for us to bring out another of our publications. It is a unit of our planned series regarding study aids to the English Text Book 6th. There is no denying the fact that the style and pattern of this book are almost the same but you wont find English as a class-room subject.
This book has been written according to the “Educational Calendar” prescribed by the Education Department Govt of the Punjab. Now to prove this to be a Self-Study Edition, we are trying
To a interest our pupils in understanding English in the best possible manner.
To acquaint them with the grammatical structures of sentences
To present before them an easy way of translating.
To make them familiar with usage of difficult words.
To give them a Comprehensive solution of Exercises given at the end of lessons.
Every lesson has been divided into two parts — Subjective & Objective. This change has been made in accordance with the self assessments scheme introduced by the Directorate of Staff Development (D.S.D.), Punjab approved set by the Punjab Text Book Board, Lahore.
It is hoped that this humble endeavor of ours will prove to be a real souvenir for those engaged in imparting or learning good English syntax and structure. Queries and questions would be welcomed.