Key 2 Math (Sci) 10 E/M

 All the facilities and comforts are the reward of science. It is the wonder of science that man has explored from the depth of ocean to far space. With the passage of time, he is advancing more and more to discover the universe.  Kiran Mathematics (Sub+Obj) 10th is deeply interlinked with new syllabus as well as students mental and creative abilities.  This book will not only be proved helpful for the students for the preparation of their exams but it will also be proved a guide in their common life.  While writing Kiran Mathematics (Sub.+Obj.) 10th, the following points have been kept in view:

(i) This book has been written extremely in better, easy and attractive way so that the students’ interest in the subject should be created and they can easily understand the answers/solutions of the questions.

(ii) This book has been prepared to assist/ guide the students to understand the theme.

(iii) Some important diagrams other than text book diagrams have also been included to clear the various concepts.

(iv) In each chapter, topic wise Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and Short Answer Questions have also been given, which are extremely helpful for the students to understand the subject.

(v) For the guidance of the students, sub-headings have also been made other than the main topics of the text.

(vi) This book has been written.

We hope that the respected teachers as well as students will like this book and they will appreciate our hardwork.
We are waiting for your suggestions.

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